I first joined WW in 2007 or 2008 (The Flex and Core program). I purchased the at home kit and I did really well on it, although I don't remember ever weighing myself. Ok, maybe I didn't do that well. But I do know that I liked it. Every so often I would get out the kit and freshen up on the details and start again. Then in October or November of this year my best friend and I joined together. This time we decided that we would get up way too early every Saturday and go to meetings. I love the meeting leader on Saturday mornings. She is perky and peppy and hilarious. And she has an
This is always the routine when we do something together. I join some program or gym with her with all intentions of going and making a difference. Then she ditches out and I feel like ditching out too. That is why this time I am going to join alone. I am not going to join to be anyone else's support system. I am not going to go just because someone else wants me to. I am going to go for me.
I know without a doubt that I need to get back to healthy lifestyle. Right here and right now I am going to list the reasons to remind myself when I feel discouraged.
My Reasons for getting healthy and STAYING healthy:
To live a long and happy life.
To be an example for my nieces.
To be happy.
To have a form of stress release.
To be able to run with my puppies.
To be a better girlfriend.
To be a better (in the hopefully nearish future) future wife.
To be able to have children.
To be able to be a good example for my future children.
To relieve the knee pain I've been having lately.
To know I am living my best life.
To get the BF healthier as well.
To be carefree again.
To be confident.
To have better relationships.
To feel more rested.
To lessen my anxiety issues.
To have confidence.
To feel good naked.
To feel good clothed.
To not wear a jacket no matter how warm it is.
To feel a sense of accomplishment.
To not let food control me.
To eat to live not live to eat.
These are the reasons that I can list off now. I am sure that there are many more that I will think of. I think that putting them in writing will help to remind me of why I am putting in the work when I am feeling a struggle. Tomorrow I will get up digustingly early and go to a meeting.
Here's to a fresh new start!
How are you working on healthy living?
Good for you! Do it for yourself and you'll love the results!