Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Get To Know Me Tuesday

I've decided that I'm going to start doing some "Get To Know Me" posts periodically. I'm sure that you internet peoples are just dying to know more about me. :)

This entire weekend revolved around guns. My hubby is a total gun nut. He has two guns and we got his third on Friday. We heard that there was a Nagant revolver at Cabela's and had to go straight there to get it. We put it on layaway and I think I'm going to pay it off with our tax return. He's been crazy over it all weekend. I don't even want to see what he'll be like when we bring it home.

I've been shooting once. Since then, I've been a little into it. I want a gun of my own. I don't like my hubby's gun. It has too much recoil and I don't think that I could shoot it comfortably. I had the gun that I wanted all picked out. I was dead set on a Sig Sauer Mosquito. It's a .22LR. I felt really drawn to the gun. It's a smaller caliber and I feel comfortable shooting a .22.

Today P and I went to look at guns. He wanted me to get a feel for the gun that I wanted. Turns out, I don't like it much. I found two others that I really like. I think I've pretty much settled on this one. It's supposed to be really accurate and I like the way that it feels in my hands.

We went to a couple of different stores, but I still think this is the one that I am set on. I'm really excited to get this and take it out shooting in the next month or so.

P's friends are all gun collectors as well. Last time we had a group of about 20 people go shoot. There were probably triple that amount of guns. I shot a pretty wide variety. They still freak me out a little. I don't like it when they try to hand me one at home, even when they aren't loaded. I think I need to shoot some more to get more comfortable. Either way, I'm really excited and hope to get more comfortable with them.

Shooting P's gun for the first time.

There's a little fun fact about me. :)

Monday, February 18, 2013


Along with my weight loss timeline, I decided that I wanted to make a new vision board. I had one a couple of years ago, but a lot of the things on it no longer applied. I threw it away about 6-9 months ago.

I scoured the internets for "skinny" pictures on myself to put on the board. I also took to my boards on Pinterest to print out some of my motivation posted there. I ended up with a ridiculous amount of quotes, encouraging photos, and old photos of myself. I put it all together and I really like how it turned out.

My Board
I hung this up right underneath my timeline so that I will see this every day. I really like the way that this turned out and all that it says to me. I love Pinterest and all, but I am a visual person. I still write out calendars rather than using my phone and computer.

I'm hoping that these little things will help keep it all in perspective for me. I mean throwing my skinnier self in my face everyday has to be good for me, right?

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about my weight loss (or lack there of is a more realistic way of looking at it). I have been having the hardest time staying on track. The big number seems so daunting. I have about 115 pounds to lose. That's huge (twss). It just doesn't seem possible when I think of the big number.
I recently came upon this post from Miss Meagan SueAnn. She posted a weight loss timeline. I thought it seemed really interesting. It breaks up your goals into months/pounds. I decided to try to make one of my own. My weigh in day is Wednesday, so I counted out four weeks. I calculated a weight loss of 2 pounds per week/8 pounds per month.
I wanted to have something nice that I could hang up and see, so I rewrote this thing a shit ton of times until I had it perfect.
Weight loss Timeline

Looking at this really puts this journey into perspective. It was really eye opening to see just how possible it is to lose this weight in just a little over a year. I like that it breaks it down into small goals rather than just looking at the end goal. I put some other milestones on there that I want to recognize: 5%, 10%, halfway to goal, ONEderland, the weight I was when I met P, 25%, etc. I hung this in my bedroom where I will see it every single day when I am getting dressed.
I also helped my Mini (my employee) make one. She is on almost the exact time line as me. Mine is just a month ahead of hers. I think it will be good for both of us to have this and be able to break it down into small goals. We spend so much time together and really try to encourage each other.
I'm hoping that this will help keep me on track and give me more reason to keep going.
Here's to getting there!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Making It Up As I Go

I haven't been sticking with my "training plan" at all. In fact, I haven't worked out since Sunday.

Today P (or Big Daddy P as he's taken to calling himself) moved my treadmill to the living room so I can attempt to pull my lazy ass out of bed in the morning and get in my workout before work.

I really didn't want to get on the treadmill tonight. I would rather have sat on the couch and browsed around Pinterest.

I decided that I was just going to get on it and walk slowly to get some type of movement in. I was walking for about a minute and a half then decided to bump it up to a run (for me) for a minute. Well, that just started it all. There was no going back from there. For the first 15 minutes, I ran one minute then walked one minute. Then that shit got hard for this chubby ass. So I slowed it down to running for one minute and walking for two minute for the next 12 minutes.

I suppose I could have stopped there, but I just kept walking at a few different speeds. I was going to walk til I got to two miles. Once I got to two miles it was like 37 minutes, so I decided to just make it a clean 40.

Sorry for the blur. I'm no photographer.
I pretty much just made up a workout as I went. I wanted to push myself but not be miserable for the next week from going too hard (Go hard or go home). I tend to get sore to the point that I can barely walk or pee, then I won't do anything til I'm better because I'm afraid.

I feel pretty good that I kept pushing myself. Now I'm sitting here sweating balls while my dogs keep piling tennis balls in my lap for me to throw.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Running Shoes

So last year I posted about getting fitted for running shoes. Well I have never liked them since I left the store.

The culprit.
I have little to no arch. I tried on three different pairs at the store and these were the best ones. Every time I wear them they kill my feet. They also kill my shins. I am really disappointed that I spent over $100 on these and they're terrible. I keep thinking that maybe they just need some breaking in.

I wore them all over Vegas. They still killed. I just don't know how much more breaking in they can get. They still look brand new. I'm afraid to get fitted for another pair because I don't want to spend buco bucks on another pair of shoes that suck.

I'm really hoping to become a runner some day, so I have to get a good pair of shoes. But forking over that kind of money is hard!

Maybe I'll stick with my non-running shoes for a while. Unfortunately, I left them at work for the weekend.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Weigh In, Work Out

I dropped off the face of the earth yet again. After my roof started leaking things got bat shit around here. We've had friends and family here looking at the ceiling and the roof. Then P had a friend over that pretty much didn't leave for a week. Talk about throwing off my game!

Let me tell you a little secret about me. I'm a very private person. I very rarely have people in my house. I want absolutely no one that I know to find out about this blog. I don't want to talk to most people that I know about my struggles. But here I feel like I can just let it all out.

On Wednesday, after a month hiatus, I went back to Weight Watchers. Although I have not been on track, I still lost 0.4 pounds from my last weigh in there. A loss is a loss and I'll take that shit! I got called out in the meeting so now I have to go this coming up Wednesday. I have a room full of witnesses that I promised to come again. That's what I love about it. They hold you accountable. That doesn't mean that I have been on track since the meeting though...

We are in desperate need of groceries in this joint. I probably haven't been grocery shopping in 3 or more weeks. Things are looking pretty fricken bare around here. That's resulted in a whole lot of fast food.

I also jumped back on the working out band wagon today. I started right back up again with where I left off on my 5KYourWay. Shit was hard after not doing it for over a week. It was walk 3 minutes, run 1.5 minutes. I thought I was going to die, but I made it through. After that I did an arm workout from YouTube and Skinny Meg's leg workout. And let me tell you, it killed this fat girl!

Here's to not being able to walk tomorrow... Or lift my arms!

Monday, January 28, 2013


Well I tried to get my work out on tonight. And then I looked up and the ceiling and noticed this...

Oh the joys of being a fucking homeowner.

Yeah, that's a bubble in my bedroom ceiling. I have no clue how to deal with this. I tried to continue my workout while texting my husband (who conveniently is at work) and some other family. My sister told me to poke the bubble and put a bowl under it. Only the tiniest bit of water came out, but now it is dripping. And not stopping. Now I'm sitting here alone wondering what the hell I am supposed to do.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

At least I tried to get a workout in. Twenty minutes is better than zero minutes.

Guess that's my disappointed face. (Holy boobies!)

Buggen Me Bad

Sunday, January 27, 2013

You Can Go Hard Or You Can Go Home

Ah, Sunday. A day that I try not to leave the house if at all possible. But it also means that tomorrow is back to work...

I slept in pretty late today. I sat around on my butt for a while watching SVU. I know there is a "marathon" on every single weekend, but I still have to watch. :) After a while, I decided that it was time to get off the big ole booty and get my sweat on.

This week I started week two of the SparkPeople 5KYourWay Plan. I did my three days of it last week and it was starting to get a little easier to get through the minutes of running. Now granted, I'm not going fast at all. It's probably a normal person's walk. But it's a step in the right direction for me.

This week called for 3 minutes walking, 1.5 minutes running. Repeat 5 times, for 6 times total. I did pretty good... Until the fifth run. I made it about 1 minute and 5 seconds before I had to stop running and bring the speed down. I probably could have made it through those last 25 second in the fifth interval, but I didn't. Womp womp.  I'm not saying that it wasn't hard. But I was pushing through it.

Definitely not the best time, but I'm getting there!
After I got off the treadmill and caught my breath for a minute, I did this workout that I found on Pinterest today. It was good and hard (that's what she said, what's up Mama Laughlin). I did two sets of the basketball jump squats, the Russian twist, and the sit n' reach. It was hard and I had to modify, but I felt really good after I did it.

Right now P and I have some dinners for this week in the crockpot. So I am hoping that I can stay on track and keep workin' it.

And just for an extra dose of cute to end this post, I'll leave you with this.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

5KYourWay: Day Two

It's been a long day. My aunt passed away on January 18 and her services were today and yesterday. I've been at my grandma's quite a bit since my aunt's passing. We have one more thing to get through tomorrow (a burning) and things should get back to normal. Although I don't think things will ever be normal without her beautiful smile and warm hugs.

I didn't really sleep at all last night. I actually ended up leaving P and going to the guest room because I was just that restless. It didn't help much. So I came home and took a nap. I was supposed to do day two of the 5KYourWay plan and I thought that my nap would stop me from completing day two.

But it didn't. I got on the treadmill and busted it out. It's only the second day and it's already getting easier. And in the process I found out that my treadmill is more functional than I thought. There are speeds (1-10) and then there are also plus/minus buttons. In all the months that I've had the treadmill, I always thought you could only go up by a full speed. Come to find out, if you push the plus/minus it brings you up by .10 rather than 1.0.

I'm proud of myself for completing this at 10pm. Normally I would just say screw it. Small changes.

Not the best, but it's a start. 1.55 miles in 30 minutes.

When I got done with the walk/jog I did some squats, then just a little arm work with some 5 pound weights. I'm not really sure what to do but I did what I could think of. I also made a point to stand in squat position. I'm still burning up because the treadmill is in my bedroom where it's warm!

Red face, beastly sports bra. (Enelle)

I'm thinking about starting the 30 Day Shred as my cross training days. But I feel like I may not be able to walk when I'm done.

That's all for today folks!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cold Hard TRUTH

For some reason I can't get photos to upload normally. I tried something different on this post and it seems to have worked. 

Family Dinner
P and I took the dogs on another off-leash walk today. They have so much fun and I love to watch my Mabel explore and my Sergeant not leave my side. He is so funny. He won't go far from me before he has to turn back around and check in. It just cracks me up. We like to throw sticks for them and tennis balls. As you can see, they get a little nuts.
They also like to cuddle. Check this out, melts my heart.
Cuddle Buddies

And now on to the cold hard truth. I weighed myself this morning and I have gotten to a new all time high. I hate to admit that I just keep gaining and gaining.I know I have to do something. I want children and I can't have a baby at this weight. I want to be healthy and happy, but getting the motivation has been so hard. I've gotten a few workouts in lately. But my eating has not been great. I know that it's not hard, but the mental shit is. I am a self sabatoger and I know it. I've got to get the right mind set. So here is the number: 257. I hate to even type that number, but maybe if I put it all out there it will get me on track...

Baby Steps

I'm deciding today to start looking at the little steps I am taking rather than the big steps I am missing. I have worked out more in the last few weeks than I have in months. P and I like to take the dogs out to run off leash on this little wooded trail near my work. They go nuts and tucker themselves out. And we get in a nice hour long walk. The trail is really long and uneven ground, so it makes for a good walk.

This weekend we had "Christmas dinner" with my mom and siblings. Every year in January we go to Buca di Beppo as a family (no kids!) as our Christmas gift from my mom. This time is the best gift that I could ask for. We sit at the Pope table which always brings up lots of conversation in my semi-Catholic family. I don't know how my mom came up with this idea, but it's something I look forward to every January!

Other than that, it's been a pretty low key weekend. I have today off. I am hoping to get this booty on the treadmill for a little 5KYourWay work. Now let's see if I can really complete it.

I also signed up for a virtual 5K for Friday. I've never done anything like this, so I'm kind of excited!